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Getechnical engineer for largest Industrial complex for a pipe manufacturing facility (OCT) and related site amenities. The site is 70+ acres, and 1.3 million + square foot under roof. We provided on site design and soil selection and placement service and general soil testing services. The design including balancing the type of soils and placement of glacial clay soils is a soils raft, with soils bearing capacities in the range of 6000 to 8000 psf, while controlling settlements. Expected foundation loads ranged from 40,000 lbs to 3.2 million lbs.
Geotechnical engineer for numerous small to medium commercial buildings in Nebraska, Iowa, Missouri, Kansas, South Dakota and Minnesota. The projects included restaurants (fast food, assisted living facilities, school and school expansions, hospital expansions, plant expansions, grain bins, small office buildings to larger retail strip mall buildings, and apartment buildings. The recommendations included in the reports but not limited to bearing capacity, settlement, seepage, pavement and foundation recommendations, including hybrid systems often using soil rafts
Geotechnical engineer for a troubled subdivision, plagued as un-buildable, Iron Horse, Ashland,
Nebraska, with unique soil conditions, quarry soils/ spoils. Major homes had experienced
various distress including excessive settlements, shrink/swell. We conducted a complete soil
investigation. We provided geotechnical recommendations on over 70 home sites
without any home experiencing distress. We conducted a foundation sizing review and made
recommendations for the foundation size. Most of these homes we designed a soil raft
using on site soils, with a lime screenings, to control seepage, and shrink/swell of fat clay
from/or weathered shale.
Geotechnical engineer for two 13 foot Corrugated Metal Culverts, with soil parameters below the
culvert in the 0 to 4 blow count range for about 40 feet below the culvert. We designed a
aggregate soils raft that maintained the integrity of the culverts. The calculate settlement was
4.5 inches the actual was 4.75. More important the soils raft maintained a plainer rigidity
less than 1 inch over a 40 x 40 foot area.
Geotechnical engineer and designer for several extended life roadways, in geotechnical
challenging situations. Liberty estates in Waverly, Nebraska, with high swell fat clays.
Linden Market, 132nd and Dodge, with a ground water seepage problem
Geotechnical engineer and construction services provider for various housing developments.
Clients include: Boyer Young, Sudbeck, Falcony, etc. Duties included site explorations and
recommendations for all subgrades and to identify any drainage or other situations that would
effect long term conditions. We have a success rate extending back over 15 years.
Geologist/Engineer - logged more than a 1,000 borings from a variety of geologic conditions.
The borings were located in South Dakota, Wisconsin, Iowa, Colorado, Kansas, Wyoming,
Minnesota, Missouri, and Nebraska. The experience has provided intimate knowledge of
subsurface soil conditions.
Forensic review of numerous home and commercial building distress, consisting of differential
settlement, shrink/swell, slope stability, and water seepage. Provided Geotechnical and other
recommendations for remediation of distress.
Geotechnical Engineer and Construction Services for 2nd Street , City of Council Bluffs, Iowa.
Project installation of sanitary sewer in soft conditions. (soil excavation feasibility and
stability of trenches).
Geotechnical engineer for various housing and commercial developments that often require slope
analysis of new fill and natural soil slopes.
Geotechnical engineer for numerous high voltage transmission lines, wind generators and cell
towers in Nebraska, Iowa, Kansas, Colorado, Wyoming, Minnesota and South Dakota.
Geotechnical Engineer Earth Dam Projects:
Turtle Creek Dam, Lower Platte South NRD, Cass County
Crystal Bressly, Private Owner, Washington County
Cipriano Dam, Lower Platte South NRD, Seward County
Dam Site 40, Little Blue NRD, Thayer County
Dam Site 30, Little Blue NRD, Thayer County
Dam Site 61, Little Blue NRD, Filmore County
Dam Site 12, Little Blue NRD, Jefferson County
Dam Site 73, Little Blue NRD, Saline County
Wilson Dam, Lower Platte South, Cass County
Piening Dam, Lower Platte South, Lancaster County
Upper Sandy Creek Dam, Tri-County NRD, Kearney County
Geotechnical Engineer Earth Dam Projects, Familiar with NARD and TR60 standards. Worked
on embankments ranging from clay based to sand based cores, to limited seepage, types.
Geotechnical Engineer The early 2000 conducted geotechnical exploration and laboratory testing
serviced for Nickle Engineering, at Spalding on the flume to generator unit. Worked under
Steve Nickle in the design of dams, levy’s. etc.
Geotechnical Engineer certification/recertification of Levy’s:
City of Waterloo, Recertification of modifications from a subdivision. First time Army
Ccore of Engineers allowed use of a strp function in determining flood risk.
City of Indianola, recertification of city levies.
Note: The geotech explorations and analyses are to evaluate soil stress, consolidation potential,
erodability potential, seepage, and slope stability, and settlement during and after
construction, including on site facilities.
Geotechnical Engineer, design and Construction Services for Rivers Edge Development for the
City of Council Bluffs, Iowa. Certification of existing levy and general subdivision
geotechnical engineering (soil excavation feasibility and stability of trenches). The levee was
a permeable berm, extensive sampling and studies in determining both vertical and
horizontal seepage. Developed a procedure to sample the permeability of sandy silt
soils, above the groundwater table. This section of Levee performed as expected in the
2011 Flood.
Geotechnical engineer for numerous wastewater lagoons in various soil conditions. Provided
seepage analysis, selection and placement of appropriate site soils, and slope stability, etc.
Projects included but not limited to: Nebraska; Ravenna, Indianola, Ansley, Ohiowa,
McCool Junction, Brady, Clarks, Uehling, Marquette, Hardy, Benkelman and Fairfield. &
Kansas; Bird City, Norcatur, and Oberlin.
Geotechnical engineer for a new 750,000 gallon ethanol storage tank, Trenton Nebraska. ISG
designed a support soils raft and integrated that activity in a clay soil liner. The clay soil
liner had not been used for years for environmental containment. Saved time and money.
Geotechnical engineer for a Fly Ash storage facility/land fill at Mid-America power plant,
Council Bluffs, Iowa. Included soil selection and construction testing and certification of the
liner integrity and permeability.
Loessial Soils
Geotechnical engineer for Grain Storage or Elevator Facility, Oberlin Kansas. Project included
analysis of foundation options, consolidation, soil stress analyses, resulting in remediation
of collapsible loess, about 5% collapse potential, soil raft. The complex included 2 bins over
95 feet high and about 110 feet in diameter.
Geotechnical engineer for Scotia, Nebraska water tower located on the top of a relatively narrow
loess hill. The project included, consolidation, soil stress analyses, resulting in remediation
of collapsible loess, about a 15% collapse potential, soil raft and determination of slope
Geotechnical engineer for Rawlings County Landfill, Certification of existing loess cut consisting
of two near vertical 40 foot cuts.
Geotechnical engineer for Residential property, certifications of slope stability of 65 foot bluff,
North Omaha. Require the thorough knowledge of Loess soil properties
Project Management with Engineering Design
Project engineer and manager for geotechnical project at Saint Elizabeth Regional Medical Center,
Lincoln, Nebraska. Including a pond and dam rehabilitation, stream rerouting through twin
72" conduits, energy dissipating outlet structure, relocation of utilities, general site work with
over 70,000 yards of new compacted fill and the design of a segmented retaining wall
including an integrated vehicle barrier. The start date for engineering and design was about
September 15th, completed December 15th.
Before ISG: General contractor for projects ranging from new construction to remodeling,
residential to commercial. Responsibilities included supervising design to trouble shooting
problem structures, required a proficient understanding of all aspects of building construction
including but not limited to carpentry - rough and finish, cabinetry concrete, block and brick,
drywall, roofing, electrical, plumbing, and heating and air conditioning.
Project manager - Geotechnical and Hydrological engineer for re-certification of levee at
Nebraska; Waterloo and Indianola, Iowa; Council Bluffs; analysis included surveying,
critical cross-sections, slope stability, settlement and seepage ( plus time rate Seepage).
Geotechnical engineer/ project manager; Coordination of drill, sampling, and laboratory soil
testing and performance of groundwater and slope stability analyses for a five-mile long
railroad cut up to 170 feet, from Hickman to Firth, Nebraska.
Polar Projects -Polar Ice coring Office - University of Nebraska
South Pole:
Project engineer/design engineer and manager for AMANDA deep hot water drilling project (4
hot water borings averaging over 6,200 feet or 2,000 meters, ) at the South Pole. This project
was a multi-national project, with a multi-million dollar budget. The project included, a
generator facility, Hotsy style -hot water heaters , tanks, rodriguez well, electrical layout,
control center, pumping layouts, piping system, winches, hot water deployment system with
towers and all logistics.
Project engineer/design engineer and manager for a continuous or reusable lifting structure for
a 27 by 50 foot building on the Greenland Ice Cap. Including full geotechnical design of
foundations on snow, mechanical and structural design of the lifting structure.
Project engineer/design engineer and manager for a portable off-loading device for unloading a
winter over facility using modules (25k) from a C-130 Transport at remote camp on the
Greenland Ice Cap, Summit field station. The system is height adjustable, and lightweight.
Project a proto-type thermal probe for investigation of ice properties relating to global warming
and potential for design used in future investigation of Europa, including field testing at a
remote camp on the Greenland Ice Cap, Di-2.
North Slope Alaska:
Project engineer/design engineer and manager for a sound attenuated generator power plant for
support of science camps on the north slope Alaska, Toolik field station. Included designing
the sound attenuation system for 4 generators in a conex box facility. Including full
geotechnical design of foundations on perma-frost, mechanical, and structural design
including the electrical layout. The design took into consideration the tundra soil system,
Engineering and Design related to
Expanding Structural Polymer Injection System (ESP)
The system is an In-Situ soil improvement system and works on the principal that strength of the soil
is increased as soil becomes denser. The material is injected using ½ inch tube, leaving little
site disturbance. The material is initially in a liquid state and travels in the soil by the rules
of hydraulic fracture, it begins to cure and stiffen no longer traveling through the soil, it
begins to expand displacing soil, increasing the natural soil strength. The process tends to
expand more in the weaker areas, resulting in an overall evens or levels out the soil
improvements/ strength. As it cures the material residual strength is above the adjacent soil.
The major advantage is it requires very little site disturbance, mimics the natural soil
strengths as a result of densification. The longevity is the life of the product or as one might
refer to as a 100+ year fix.
First lifting and stabilizing of a residential foundation system in Nebraska, using ESP.
Located in the Iron Horse Subdivision. A house was experiencing some settlement distress.
The home was lifted and stabilized. One area had a tested soil bearing capacity of less than
200 psf improved the bearing capacity to over 6000 psf even though the required capacity
was only 1500 psf. At this time the structures had the total maximum load being applied
providing expansion resistance. The procedure identified that the system would provide and
increase the bearing capacity and increase the factor of safety for the foundation system.
Conducted multiple lifting and stabilizing of existing residential foundation systems in Nebraska
and Iowa, using ESP, with the maximum load applied.
Conducted multiple lifting and stabilizing of existing commercial foundation systems including
underpinning of foundations in Nebraska and Iowa, using ESP.
Conducted multiple foundation lifting and stabilizing of commercial structures with partial loads
applied in Nebraska and Iowa, using ESP.
Project a combination of a slope failure and displacement and distress of 7000 sqft of the structure
some displacements in the 6.5 inch range. The project included stabilization of two ponds,
where the side slopes were failing. The ponds were stabilized by conventional means. The
distressed area of the structure was built next to a 65 foot slope. Most of the slope was
stabilized by conventional means, with the last 20 feet of slope stabilized using ESP. After
stabilization of the slope was completed, the structure was lifted and stabilized in place,
eliminating the need to totally rebuild the structure. Estimate in construction time saved
about 8 months compared to other methods.
Re-purposing the existing commercial building, the structure had the strength required but the
some of the foundations did not. The improvement required an increase in bearing capacity
from the existing 6000 psf up to 11000 psf. The loads were calculated using ASD standards.
The reason the ESP system was chosen for some of the foundation improvements was the
limited access to the area around the foundations. The renovation/construction is completed
at this time and no signs of movement. It should be noted that there are different ESP
material strength.
Increasing the foundation soil bearing capacity of existing foundations soils, using ESP, Cell
Tower Oshkosh Nebraska. Loess soils that were already experiencing a soil collapse and the
tower was to be upgraded increasing the required soil bearing capacity needed for the
existing foundation. The foundation did not have the bearing capacity needed but met
structural requirements.
Re-purposing of older factory buildings to apartments and office buildings, injection below new
elevator and stairwells in side existing structures. Provided stabilization of existing
foundation and provided an increase in the soil bearing capacity. The system allowed for the
addition of a new foundation in the influence zone of existing foundations.
Soil improvement for a 750,000 gallon Ethanol Storage Tank at the existing ethanol facility, with
site constraints. The base soil to a depth of about 20 feet below grade, were variable, and
typical of alluvial environment deposited soils. Because of the site constraints, we had the
contractor build the base of the tank to the concrete floor elevation, which is about 3 feet
above grade. The ESP injections were below through the tank concrete pad. The injections
took about 10 days at which time the contractor continued working on the site. The process
saved the ethanol facility about 3 to 6 months in time. At full ethanol capacity the projected
load is to be about the 3750 lbf. During the initial filling, the tank was locked in with laser
levels and the measured displacement was in the 1mm range. This is one of the first times
the injections were conducted with a significant load being applied post injection.
Lift and Stabilize a three pack of grain bins, with varying soils conditions. Displacement varied
up to about 4.5 inches. The distress was noted during the initial filling and one bin was not
filled. Lifting and stabilizing the structure limited the insular damages/repairs. The bins were
emptied before the repair so the floor levels could be visually verified.
Lift and Stabilize a 3000 sqft home with rock facing on the outer walls. Displacement varied up
to about 2.75 inches. Lifting and stabilizing the structure limited the insular damages/repairs.
The bins were emptied before the repair so the floor levels could be visually verified.
Stabilization of a two pack of 78 foot diameter grain bins, with consolidatable and variable soils
below the bins. The project is a combination of a soils raft below the bins to provide a stiff
base. ESP will be injected in to the soil below the raft to stabilize the consolidatable soils
Design and Construction of Geotechnical Equipment (Inventor)
Designed and constructed soil exploration rigs and components for conventional drilling, CPTU
and percussion-based cone penetrometer systems
Specialty geotechnical In-Situ Testing: Qualified Dutch Cone Penetrometer Operator.
Environmental based Equipment.
Grouting System (Bentonite Based) for Dutch Cone Penetrometer (CPTU) soil exploration
system capable of grouting to about 100 feet below grade. A similar system is now marketed
by GeoProbe world wide. The Grouting System Design is now the standard for grouting CPT
Groundwater Sampling System designed to be used in conjunction with a Dutch Cone
Penetrometer (CPTU) soil exploration system where the CPTU is used to identify the best
groundwater sampling location. The system can be flushed and reused in the same
exploration penetration.
Design and Installation of a percussion soil exploration - cone penetrometer system, including
a mobile GC, in a van for environmental exploration.
Geotechnical Equipment:
Complete rehabilitation and Modification of a CME-550 for use as a conventional drilling system
with the capability to push standard CPTU systems - 40,000 lb push capacity.
Complete design and construction of a trailer mounted CPTU / Geotechnical drilling rig. The rig
has a 20k down push for CPT testing and a split control with a CPT mode.
Expert Consultant/Witness
Distressed large grain bin 90 foot diameter, excessive settlement and soil failure. Investigation
including the evaluation of the existing soils raft, including the design. Reading and
evaluation of all data collected, expert witnesses transcripts and then preparing a written
evaluation. Negotiated Settlement
Distressed retirement and assisted living care facility on a 65 foot slope, above a pond.
Determination of soil properties and slope stability analyses. ISG initially brought in as a
consultant to the original geotech engineering firm to aid in the determination of the cause
of distress of about 7,000 sq ft of structure that had displaced about 4.5 inches over several
days. The process identified that the displacement was not due to settlement but to slope
failure. ISG proposed a remediation process and it was accepted. The remediation system
included establishing initial stability by conventional means and final slope stability, lifting
and stabilization of the structure by using Expanded Structural Polymer system. The Final
lift was in the range for some areas up to 6.5 inches. Between management of the
conventional repairs and the use of ESP, the owner saved about 8 months in construction
delays over other proposed systems. The site and structure were repaired in place. Settlement
Distressed home on a 65 foot loess bluff, slope stability. Determination of soil properties and
slope stability analyses. Negotiated Settlement
Distressed home where the basement flooded and center of the house raised over 3 inches, site
grading - hydrology and general distress. Determination of the foundation loads, site
hydraulics, swell potential and recommendations for a repair. Negotiated Settlement
Distressed Apartment front stoop, during sewer connection contractor collapsed steps into
excavation hole, soil stability. Determination of site conditions, soil properties, and evaluate
proper shoring. Negotiated Settlement
Dispute between contractor and municipality over a change of conditions due to poor soil
conditions. ISG was the project geotechnical engineer. The project went to arbitration, no
change of conditions were acknowledged/granted. The municipality completed with a
different contractor successfully following original specs with no change in conditions.
Settlement by Arbitration, was disposed.
Bridge pier - distressed drilled shaft with a groundwater flow wash out. Negotiated Settlement
Storm water line - distress , evaluating change of conditions and selection of pipe materials.
Negotiated Settlement
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